4 Interesting Facts About Ballet That You Probably Don’t Know

When you think of ballet, you probably imagine pointe shoes with pink ribbons, sequined tutus and leotards, and high bun hairstyles. But for most of the general public, there is an aire of mystery around the ballerina. How do they get so light on their feet? How are they so flexible?

If you have ever wondered about the details of ballet, you are in the right spot. In this post, we are going to reveal 4 interesting facts about ballet dance that you probably don’t know. From the first ballet show to the materials of a pointe shoes you are going to learn some of what goes on behind the scenes in the ballet world. Keep reading all the way to end to learn where you can see (and even book) ballerinas in performance.

When did Ballet Start?

Ballet actually didn’t start on stage; it started in the Italian Renaissance courts during the 15th century. It was Catherine de Medici, King Louis XIV’s wife, who brought ballet to the French royal courts a century later.

Years later, in 1681, ballet made its journey to the stage, typically alongside opera performers. It wasn’t until the 18th century that ballet was performed on stage as its own, singular art form.

What was the First Ballet Show?

Some of the first stand-alone ballets, like Giselle and La Sylphide, premiered in the early 19th century. Other classics, like The Nutcracker and Swan Lake, weren’t performed until the late 19th century.

What are Pointe Shoes Made of?

While they are beautiful, pointe shoes are actually known to be uncomfortable, especially before the dancer has made adjustments to the shoe.

The shank, aka the sole, of the pointe shoe is made up of hard glue cardboard/paper, and sometimes leather. Depending on the dancer’s arch and strength of their foot, they may end up needing extra strong shanks.

The tip of the pointe shoe that allows dancers to go fully on their toes is called “the box.” Like the shank, the box is also made of hard glue and layers of paper.

A majority of pointe shoes' exteriors are made of satin. The shiny satin fabric can be made more matte by “pancaking,” the process of applying make-up foundation to the shoe.

Are there Multiple Ballet Styles?

Though we think of ballet as just one style of dance, there are actually quite of few methodologies within the genre. The 4 common methods of ballet include Vaganova Method, the Cecchetti Method, the Balanchine method, and the French method.

Vaganova is the ballet technique created by Russian ballerina, Agrippina Vaganova. The training method is highly athletic, as it focuses on using the whole body, and not just the strength of the legs followed by aesthetically pleasing arms.

The Cecchetti method was developed by Enrico Cecchetti. The Cecchetti method focuses on the dancer's anatomy and how it relates to movement.

The Balanchine method, a slightly more modern approach, was created by George Balanchine. His style focuses on creating lines.

Lastly, the French technique was what was created in the French courts mentioned above. The French technique codified the 5 main ballet positions as well as most ballet movements that we know today.

Where Can I See Ballerinas?

Chances are, you live near a city with a professional ballet company. Even outside of NYC, amazing professional companies exist. If you want to watch professional ballerinas at your next event, then look no further! Deya Events can supply elegant ballerinas for your event.

Want to surprise your guests with a ballet show? Contact us today!


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